This month I have been working with my good friend Lee Heerspink on his demo disc. Lee is a Holland, MI native who has been playing guitar for over 12 years. He currently holds a bachelors in music education from Hope College (04’), and a master of music from the University of South Florida (07’) in jazz performance. While in Tampa he was able to play professionally with some of the areas best including Jack Wilkins, Steve Davis, and Richard Drexler. Not only is Lee extremely talented, but he is a heck of a great guy!
We ended up using the Digidesign Eleven Rack for all of Lee's guitar tracks, and the tones sounded fantastic! An added bonus was that the prep time was miniscule compared to standard amp miking procedures, and he could play in the control room, tracking over the monitors. Very nice! Lee's demo also gave me the chance to use my latest plugin, the Fatso Jr. In Universal Audio's words "The Empirical Labs EL7 FATSO’s ingenious design and creative feature set gives users the wonderfully warm and pleasing sound of magnetic recording tape, class A transformers, and tube circuits." A great addition to my plugin arsenal, which really made a difference on Lee's demo.
To find out more about Lee, follow this link. Lee Heerspink