Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Site is Live

Welcome to DP Creative Audio’s new website. I want to thank two old friends for bringing this new site to life. Luke Daab, Owner of “Daab Creative”, and Tim Gallagher, web master for Willow Creek Community Church in Barrington, IL, have done a fantastic job creating a first class site. I also want to thank Jim Lippert for his photographic contributions.

Score for "Cole"- Film Short

DP Creative Audio recently completed the score for "Cole", a thesis film for Compass Film Academy in Grand Rapids, MI. "Cole" is a fictional film that tells the everyday struggles of love, responsibilty, and desire when a young mother's dreams are interrupted by the pressure and challenge of raising a young child. The thesis film project is the culmination of the one year Compass program experience. The trailer for "Cole" can be viewed at